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The journey to your success starts here

Achieve high performance through Training, Lectures and Mentoring. Reach the peak of personal and professional performance. Be the reference in your segment.

Fotografia de Carlos Esau
Selo de Certificação de Membro do John Maxwell Group

Comece a sua Jornada Para Alta Performance

Strengthen your leadership and inspire your team to achieve the extraordinary. Become a leader who makes a difference.

Homem representando liderança

Inspiring and motivating lectures, with relevant and focused content to generate changes in individual and collective mindsets

Personal and business mentoring contributes to your development and that of the organization, achieving the results you desire.

High-impact tools so that behaviors and techniques are assimilated by the team. Tested and updated tools and techniques.

Carlos Esau

Consultant, Mentor and Speaker

More than 20 years of corporate professional experience in middle and senior management positions. Graduated in business administration/marketing from Fresno Pacific University (USA). Master in regional development, postgraduate in management and development of leaders and high-performance teams. International teacher and speaker, graduated from the Haggai Institute. Active member of the John Maxwell Team. Specialist in strategic planning and corporate governance.

Co-author of the books:

Livro Engage For Business
Livro Liderando Juntos
Livro Segredos de Alto Impacto
Arte de Liderar_edited.jpg

Meet Our Customers

Elza Nunes


“The course helped me identify tools that helped me filter what would be good for my business at the moment. The small adjustments I made after the course with Carlos' help helped me achieve good results. With the course I was able to put my ideas in order and apply them."

Graciele Kasdorf


“The course helped me discover what I really want in my future and gave me tools on how to get there...”

Rafael Manzke

Administrative assistant

“The course presents tools and methods that help identify and resolve deficiencies that exist within the company.”



Representação Visual de um Ebook

E-Book Gratuito

"Tranformando sua Vida Através de Bons Hábitos" é um guia prático e motivador baseado em pesquisas científicas e experiências reais. O livro oferece estratégias comprovadas para ajudar as pessoas a transformar hábitos, alcançar metas pessoais e melhorar suas vidas. Ao abordar tópicos como definição de metas SMART, criação de novos hábitos, superação da procrastinação e cuidados com o corpo, o livro fornece ferramentas valiosas para mudar comportamentos arraigados. Se você busca aumentar a produtividade, eficiência e alcançar uma vida mais feliz, este guia é essencial.

Refund Policy

+55 (51) 98029-9612

Company: Esau e Sudo Ltd
Address: Santa Cruz de Sul / RS and Bagé / RS - Brazil
CNPJ: 10.824.337/0001-77
Estimated Delivery: Up to 20 days.

© 2024 | All rights reserved for CARLOS ESAU MENTOR!
Made by Marcos Esau

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